
the scattered thoughts of a bored mind

I recently found some notes that I had written last summer. I had bought a fountain pen and decided that it needed to be tried out and I decided the best way to test it would be to see if it could handle the random flow of thoughts that my mind had held dearly. Apparently the pen does not care much for grammar. (I did however add some breaks and firefox graciously fixed most spelling errors)

This generation has become so blissfully satisfied with its ignorance of the life that our forefathers sought to ensure us. The illusion that they want us to have of success is the day to day labour that is not only destroying the natural physical world that we live in, but is destroying the hearts minds and souls of all future generations. The future that we need to seek is a future of enlightenment free from the slavery of modern life. We, as a people have become so content with the scraps they throw to us as if we are dogs, that we not only take them but thank them for providing us with such a disgustingly beautiful ignorance. They are so afraid they work every day to feed us bullshit so they can prolong the revolution that is due to us, a revolution that sits unheeded and for a large part unknown in the hearts of all men.

They decided the fate of their system the day they chose to rob us of what we so naturally deserve. We as a people are afraid of a war to bring down their beloved system because the very same has shown us the brutality of the wars that need to be fought. The wars we see today are not the noble wars that were fought by countrymen for their neightbours but are filthy battles that they have told us we must fight for our way of life. The way of life they tell us we are fighting for is an illusion, an illusion of grandeur that we can become anything we want, we can be a success. The success that they want us to have, though, is not the one we want. Our success will be the downfall of their hierarchy to a system where we decide the way of life and aren’t forced to work endlessly to fill the gas tanks of the nation with an overpriced and unnecessary commodity.

As these words are committed to eternity I discover the need to commit our actions to the history books that WE will write; history books that are not the stories of the victorious but the unbiased truth of the people of the day. We will write their motives, not condemning them but revealing that they could not satisfy our thirsts to see a better world.

We fear change but we do not realize that the world changes around us everyday. If we are forced to be in a changing world why should it not be a world where we are allowed to choose the destination of the days work? The realization that is need from all man is that when he rests his head, he cannot find rest because of the emptiness they have dished us. When we see a day that is successful for all humans it will seem anything but successful because they have taught us that our desires are wrong.

They have outlined our lives and they choose our actions. We will not sit idly by anymore for it has come, the day of our bloody revolution. One that will see us return to the freedom that they tell us our forefathers fought for. We must not behead the beast for it shall reincarnate indefinitely but destroy it from within and kill it so thoroughly that its existence will become nothing more than a footnote that we mention in passing to our children. For that is all they deserve after the void they have created in us. We will be glorified when it is over because we found a way to bring the freedom to ourselves. Not the fleeting freedom one feels on vacation, but the freedom of a completely free heart, void of all concerns of our capitalistic “dream”.

The time has come that we shall learn all of their ways. Not merely regurgitating the lies they tell us but analyzing why they want us to believe the filth they have been planting in us. As slowly as the morphine drips into a patient, the lies they have told us have put us into an idealistically induced coma where we cannot see what we want, or more importantly, need to live.

Illusions have become so deeply ingrained in us through the all-reaching forms of propaganda that we are unable to even identify them as illusions. They have created a world where we are so indoctrinated that we may criticize their ways but when we actually stand up, our peers laugh and rearrange themselves to their side, effectively chopping the legs out from any revolution we seek.

We are so disillusioned that we cannot even look upon something so naturally beautiful as our own bodies without feeling an all powerful need to refine ourselves to be the people that we “want to be”


Made famous by every six year old's favorite goofy uncle, sometimes I have the unrelenting need to tell people to cut it out.

I have always thought of depression as a persons inability and ultimately their weakness to cope with the things that get them down; an unnecessary emotion. I am currently combating our oldest unpleasant friend and he has taught me that while unpleasant, he may be a more common occurrence in my life as the years pass.

forces pushing in all directions
South, right, towards, "right", wrong, away, future, mine
which are "right" and which are right?
people use wisdom to offer protections
everyone saying "do this and you will be fine"
THE answer you will find on MY final night

"everything passes, everything changes, just do what you think you should do"
- Robert Zimmerman, To Ramona (as a student between schools, I say fuck proper citations)


this is home
is it?

the unrelenting need to find home;
i found my house.
"home is where the heart is"
this surely isn't